Here's my rough thesis outline.
Moving Beyond Broadcast: Making a Children's Documentary for the New Media Landscape
I. Introduction
a. Background “Why don’t we ride zebras”
b. My Trials and Tribulations with New Media
II. New Media
a. Definition of New Media
i. History of New Media
ii. Old vs. New Media
b. New Media Today
i. Successful Sites
2. World Without Oil
ii. The Future of New Media
1. Interactivity
2. Virtual Reality
3. Convergent Culture
III. How Children Learn
a. School
i. History
ii. Innovations
iii. Challenges
1. Education Standards
2. No Child Left Behind
b. Children’s Television
i. History
1. Winky Dink
2. Sesame Steet
ii. Learning from TV
1. Blue’s Clues
iii. Studies on the Effect of TV on Children
c. Internet
i. Social Networks
ii. Blogging
d. Video Game
i. Traditional Video Games
ii. Online games
iii. Mobile games
iv. Educational games
IV. Moving Beyond Broadcast
a. History of Imagery
b. Traditional Documentary Model with Outreach
c. Emerging Interactive Model
V. My Ideal Vision for my Zebra Film
a. Interactive Documentary/Website
i. Children insert their own vision into the video
1. create music
2. create animation
3. add footage
4. edit online
5. green screen
ii. Combine learning with a video game that creates social awareness
1. Kid’s win animal kibble to donate to animal shelters as they answer questions correctly
b. Education
i. Lesson plans co-inside with education standards
ii. Develop supplemental materials for learning science outside of school
1. girl scouts
2. after school programs
3. pre school
VI. What the Future Could Hold for New Media and Documentary
Sorry for the lack of formatting. When I finish my masters, one of the things I want to do is learn HTML.
Other things on the top of my list:
1. Incorporate SmithWalker Productions and create a website outlining our services (videography, editing, web design, animation, still photography, new media museum/non profit consulting, and science web writing.
2. Start shooting and selling stock HD footage
3. Find programmer and educator to help make my thesis ideas a reality
4. Make my next kid's film for PodclassTV on primates
5. Make a film for CurrentTV on cell phones
6. Learn Flash Action Scripts
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