Today, I found a website that is the closest thing to what I have envisioned for Podclasstv. Check out
I was just telling Mark about my ideas for podclasstv a couple days ago...and here they are on toondoo, but they are customizable cartoon stips, instead of customizable documentaries. I want to create my site with documentaries without animations...Think of my zebra film without the animation. What if kids could select the animations like they select characters and backgrounds from the palettes on toondoo. I am very excited by this toodoo website and a little frustrated. I want to create a children's participatory documentary website, but I fear someone will or has beaten me to it.
But, it was fun making the comic strip.
I am sure you have realized, just as we have, that on the Internet, there can be more than winner, there need not be a race to do anything first, there need not be any bitterness on being beaten to something, particularly when 2+2 makes a little more than 5!
We are happy to hear that your thoughts on your pet dream PodClassTV have been mirrored at ToonDoo, our own dream.
We will be glad and willing to cooperate with you, and probably bring up something much more wonderful for children, surely better than what each of us can individually do, perhaps.
Write to us at and, and we are all ears!
ToonDude from
Thanks for the comment. I am really impressed with your with jambav and toondoo.
Podclasstv won't be a pet dream for long. I am about to finish my masters that lays out my plans for Podclasstv and then go after grants to put my films, animations, and participatory ideas into code.
Would love to discuss with you more.
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