Just watched the VP debates. I am truly frightened. Sarah Palin came across not as crazy (as she really is). I wish she would have shown her true stripes. And I wish I could have her advisors helping me study for my comps. I would absolutely ace my comps if I had a team of wanky researchers researching every possible response to possible theory questions.
I thought Biden did well enough. He's good on climate and on foreign policy. But he isn't cute enough for the average super conservative.
But tonight, I found out my neighbors, who were pro Hillary and who have alternative lifestylesare are now pro Palin/McCain. Very scary. Sorry to bring politics into my blog. But if McCain wins the election, then dies, then Sarah Palin would become president. She would bring her religion and naivety full front and center. Say goodbye to science education and to a woman's right to choose. Let's not even begin to think about the countries we would continue to alienate and countries she (we) could possibly nuke (and be nuked by). Very, very scary. Do we really want someone who has a hand on the controls who believes dinosaurs walked the earth with humans 6000 years ago? I say, HELL NO. Please, please HELL NO.
Here's a few new media clips I have enjoyed over the last weeks.
The LA Times has confirmed she believes humans and dinosaurs existed at the same time, which is part of the young earth creationism belief that the planet is approximately 6,000 years old. (See Related Links for the article.) For someone who believes the planet was created 6 or even 10 thousand years ago, it wouldn't be unreasonable to also believe some dinosaurs still existed 2 to 6 thousand years later.
Quote from LA Times: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Does_Sarah_Palin_believe_that_dinosaurs_were_alive_4000_years_ago
Here's the Katie Couric interview:
(look at the interview about 2 minutes in).
Saturday Night Live sketch...youtube (the powers that be) won't let me imbed the clip. Please copy and paste this link below into a new window:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r36Xc0GG4iQ) It's frightening how the Saturday Night Live sketch is almost word for word..
Here's a great clip of what a Sarah Palin sitcom would look like:
College Humor's "Head of Skate Clip"
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