"This is a small-batch, shade-grown MMR, straight from Costa Rica." #HipsterVaxx @femme_esq @cornerofthecafe
— Dracula Puppet, CPA (@draculapuppet) February 4, 2015
"I only give my kid locally grown, organic, artisanal, GMO-free, unbleached tetanus." #HipsterVaxx @femme_esq
— Jane Doe, MD (@DrJaneChi) February 4, 2015We've now got your #hipstervaxx hella sick style guide:
@Alreidy @femme_esq @rinnself pic.twitter.com/7ORU2l8oOC
— Alliance for Science (@ScienceAlly) February 5, 2015
"I've got Rubella. You've probably never heard of it." #HipsterVaxx
— Vaccinate Your Spawn (@dyrbert) February 4, 2015
"We didn't vaccinate him but we rub him in compost biweekly." #HipsterVaxx
— Lewis (@LewisGD) February 4, 2015
Remember, #HipsterVaxx is meant to be offensive to both hipsters AND anti-vaccination advocates. You guys can stay mad.
— Brienne of Snarth (@femme_esq) February 5, 2015
To read the lot, go to: http://bit.ly/hipstervaxx